Monday, July 21, 2008

A few fun things :)

Soooooo ... VERY random, fun, wonderful things going on in these parts :) Wanted to share a bit with you.

1. I'm in HEB the other day with my hubs... we divided to conquer and while he's snagging fruit juice I realize they have 5 CHEWY COOKIES on sale for $1!! While I'm standing there, I look up to see my AMAZING husband walking up grinning with red roses! I squealed out loud (of course) and declared, "Roses AND cookies!?!" I can't even BELIEVE it! (okay, I just noticed that this pic of roses is when he brought home roses two weeks ago. Seriously, this guys is UN-believeable. But the HEB story is great too so I had to leave it :) ).

2. Basically, I was a professional baseball player today ... almost. I DID get to walk on a professional field and it was super cool. While the guys Betty Blake and I were with were talking about how they wished they'd brought a ball and gloves, all I could think about was a soccer ball on that amazing grass! Either way, super fun :)

3. The last pic is a sneak pic at a potential HUGE event... Yes. This is an official "teaser."

love to you all


Julie Adams Gray said...

I think my boyfriend needs to attend the School of Ryan. Roses and cookies! I mean, Prince Charming right there!!! Love it!

AnnaJ said...

I KNOW! He's pretty dang crazy wonderful :)

To him said...

hummm, your last picture has my toally stumped. All I see is a bedroom???? No clue...

Aimee said...

i see your smiling face, a bed and an open window... so either its curtains.. or well other things..