Thursday, September 3, 2009

Open wide my heart!

It's pretty amazing when we actually live the way that our heart responds... beautiful, actually!

I am so thankful for my job, for the opportunities God is giving me to be me and I find myself coming alive again ... deeply alive. Singing in the morning, laughing alone in the kitchen while I pour my coffee *GASP!!* I'm falling in love with God, again!!

Oh my gosh, I hadn't realized that until JUST now, but in sharing how I'm feeling I remember that two/three weeks ago I told Him that I wanted to fall in love with Him again and He is doing it!! How is He doing it?? By me starting to live in the way I was created to live, my soul is responding and singing!! LOVE IT!

Case in point of me feeling very 'me' ... Tuesday I was in the office and I rounded the corner and pointed at my cube-mate, very broadway like, singing, "Jimmy crack corn and I don't care, " ... and when I went to the second line I was going to add the big ol' broadway kick - not the chorus line kick but the sassy knee first then toe slap, "Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care!" And on the 'care' I did the slap kick and my shoe flew OFF my foot like a stinking missile, SHOOTING across the office and slamming into the opposite wall! Narrowly, like inches, missing cube-mate's face by the way. I stopped, *scream!* and then we just laughed and laughed!!!

I'm pretty confident I heard God laughing too :O)

love to you all ... I pray you are living in who you were created to be. We are His workmanship, made on purpose - every piece. As we grow/remain committed to being who we are, we will find that life inside of Him.

Thank you, Lord!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

love your posts, so inspiring!

Rodrigo Silva said...